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Some of our jobs:

Movement, motor and sensory development in children. 2012. SOPU - Copenhagen
Theoretical and practical course for education professionals.

Annual Baby and Child Fair. 2013. Copenhagen
Motor stimulation activities for babies and children. Supervision of parents and professionals.

Premature children.  2015 SOPU - Hillerød
Course for social workers and teachers at daycare centres and kindergartens. An approach to physical and mental consequences of a premature birth and how to help develop a childcare plan for an optimal development. 



Children with sensory processing sensitivity. 2016 - Copenhagen and Kolding

Screening tools for sensitive children. Course for professionals in the educational sector on how to spot children with immature sensory processing and how to stimulate them for an optimal development. 


Children´s constitutions day. 2017 - Gentofte Børnevenner. 

"Children have the rigth to play- and thereby develop their personality, talents, mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential" (Convention of the Rights of the Child, United Nations 1989)

Physical and developmental activities for children.

Interdisciplinary exercises for children and young people with language, attention-participation and body awareness challenges. 2017 ....
Programs for children and adolescents that includes, sound, motor and visual stimulation. In collaboration with Læ and FoviJa we have developed a unique program that can be used individually or in a class group that promotes reading, verbal communication and increases attention and participation levels. Contact us

Sensory development and learning in children 0-3 years. 2013- 2014 Mini Ajax Kindergarten
Lecture for parents and teachers.

Children and adults in motion. 2014 - Gentofte Children Friends

Motor development, play and learning. Ideas for how movement becomes a natural part of the interaction between children and adults in an everyday activity in kindergarten and daycare centres. 

Motor Development and Learning. 2015- Rygårds International School.

An aproach to why sensory motor skills are the basic foundation for learning. All the activities and movement we did as infants, toddlers and children help prepare our body and our brain to learn. These skills are essential to develop the ability to participate in classroom activities and affects academic achievements. Theory and practice for teachers and children.

Certification on movement and play for daycare centres and kindergartens. 2017, DGI
Play and movement are important for children's well-being, health and learning. Among other things, we use movement as a tool and a foundation for a good learning environment.  The goal is to give children the desire, the courage and the will to use the body and being physically active - alone and with other children.

Children Festival Healthy, Cool and Safe!. 2017, Gentofte Municipality
Fun and games. Physical activities for children 0-12 years